Have Enough
“Better is little, with the fear of the LORD, than great treasure with trouble.” (Pro 15:16)
How much is really enough? What price are you paying for the extra you think you need? Is the ambition to be wealthier, fogging your focus on God? That is a key question. Please think about that for a moment. Don’t dismiss it out of hand; it may apply to you.
Sometimes the price you pay is too much for the prize. What price are you paying? What price is your family paying? The price is often not the monetary amount but how much of your life you are willing to sacrifice in order to attain it.
Being grateful for what we already have can disempower the greed and consumerism that so easily ensnare us. Being content is a Godly attribute and reflects true priorities and a recognition that He has our best in mind.
Quick Prayer: Thank You for what I already have, Lord. Amen.