“Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but one who keeps the law is blessed.” (Pro 29:18)
What is revelation? It is an insight from God. Wow! Imagine having access to someone who knows everything, sees everything, knows everyone, and can see into the future.
We absolutely have that with God, yet we tend to take it for granted. If you need some direction in your business, He is vitality interested in your work life. Imagine the opportunity to talk with the ultimate business guru. Would you go out of your way for an hour with Jobs or Gates? Well, you have access to someone far, far superior, better connected, and infinitely more capable. Why not spend some time with Him and get your revelation?
All leaders who profess Christ need to hear from Him. We operate in His Kingdom and have to play by His rules to be effective. In order to hear, we have to be close, there is no escape from the discipline and pleasure of spending time with Him. Expect opposition though, because it is your place of empowerment and revelation.
Quick Prayer: I need Your revelation, Father. Amen.