

“Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve kings. He won’t serve obscure men.” (Pro 22:29)

We are all given a fixed amount of gifts and talents. They are allocated for a purpose; in that we all have a role to play and a part to fulfill. They do come, however,...

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“In all hard work there is profit, but the talk of the lips leads only to poverty.” (Pro 14:23)

I have plenty of things I am going to get around to. If I talk about them for years, they still won’t get done. It is only when we stop talking and start doing that, we make...

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“He becomes poor who works with a lazy hand, but the hand of the diligent brings wealth.” (Pro 10:4)

We are often quick to blame God for all our problems. Other people and b elsewhere when blame is to be apportioned.

This is not about a guilt trip, and I certainly...

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Go to the ant, you sluggard. Consider her ways and be wise.” (Pro 6:6)

I don’t like ants; they can be quite a nuisance; but they have enormous energy and strength. They never seem to rest. They are always productive and busy. There is a lesson of a need for application...

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Big Mouth


“Open your mouth for the mute, in the cause of all who are left desolate.” (Pro 31:8)

If you are in a leadership position in business, God has given you influence. What will you use it for? To bless yourself and your family? Yes, that is fine. To bless others in your company...

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Get Outside

“Prepare your work outside and get your fields ready. Afterwards, build your house.” (Pro 24:27)

here is a lot of wisdom in this one very short verse. When we approach a new problem or situation at work, we have to ascertain the priorities. In this case, part of the required solution...

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