Protect Yourself

“Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it is the wellspring of life.” (Pro 4:23)

Our hearts are hard to understand. They are the wellspring of emotion, feelings, motivators, and passions. We can damage our hearts by exposing them to the wrong influences, and they can be...

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Big Problems

“A wise man scales the city of the mighty and brings down the strength of its confidence.” (Pro 21:22)

Every so often in business we face big problems. These are not the ordinary things of life but those massive, almost overwhelming problems that rarely impact us but that can be...

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“The plans of the diligent surely lead to profit; and everyone who is hasty surely rushes to poverty.” (Pro 21:5 NASB)

The old adage goes, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Is it a cliché, yes, but it is nonetheless true, and the Scriptures agree? I have...

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“A man’s heart plans his course, but The LORD directs his steps.” (Pro 16:9)

If we have given our lives to God, He will guide our paths. What a reassurance that He is indeed in control. So, should we stop planning? No, of course not. But in our planning, let’s invite...

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“Commit your deeds to the LORD, and your plans shall succeed.” (Pro 16:3)

If only my thoughts were aligned to God’s will. Take a look at this Scripture. If we cast our works onto Him, commit and trust them to Him, He will make us think along the lines of His will. Why? So,...

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“He who tills his land shall have plenty of bread, but he who chases fantasies is void of understanding.” (Pro 12:11)

There is always something enticing about the latest idea, the new venture that is still shiny in its new box. We can spend a lot of time on the new when the slightly...

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